Support Guidebook to enjoy a safe and secure Life in Aichi Prefecture (「愛知県で安心・安全な生活を楽しむためのサポートガイドブック」)
In order for newly-arrived foreign workers to adjust smoothly to life in Japan, companies hosting foreign employees need to make them aware of rules and manners to observe, and provide assistance with adjusting to both work life and social life.
Aichi Prefecture has produced a set of materials that can be used as support tools when providing this kind of orientation to foreign employees, consisting of a training session curriculum with text materials and an instructor's manual.
Covering such areas as work, money, rules, housing, transport, avoiding crime, and illness and injury, the text materials are a useful resource for anyone coming to work in a Japanese workplace.
The text materials are available to download in easy Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Spanish, Indonesian, and English, with Japanese presented alongside each foreign language. A series of complementary YouTube videos is also available. See the URL below for the downloadable materials.