In Japan, children born between 2 April 2018 and 1 April 2019 will begin elementary school in April 2025.
To enroll a child of foreign nationality in an elementary school in Nagoya City, please apply at your local ward office's Residents' Affairs Division (shimin-ka / 市民課) or the Community & Residents' Affairs Section (kuminseikatu-ka / 区民生活科) of your local ward branch office (shisho / 支所). (Even children who are not registered as residents can sometimes be enrolled.)
The municipal school at which a child can be enrolled is determined by your area of residence in Nagoya City; residents are not able to select a school of their preference. If you would like your child to attend a school other than a municipal school, please inquire directly to the school about how to enroll.
The City of Nagoya is also conducting a survey to assess the enrolment of children of foreign nationality. A questionnaire form on intention to enroll will be sent to families with children able to enter elementary school in April next year. Your cooperation in completing and submitting the questionnaire to your ward office's Residents' Affairs Division, or branch office's Community & Residents' Affairs Section, is appreciated.