The class aims to help students acquire the foundations of Japanese necessary for their studies, to enable them to complete their high school studies and pursue careers.
Participants:For young non-native speakers of Japanese (born before 1 April 2009) currently attending or aspiring to enter high school / university and requiring assistance with Japanese language acquisition.
*Junior high school students, except those enrolled in evening courses, please see NIC Japanese School for Children.
*Preference given to residents of Nagoya City or those attending high school within Nagoya City.
・【May~July】Every Sundays from 19 May to 21 July (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons)
*Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 12 May (14:00~)
・【Summer Class】July 28 (Sun), August 4 (Sun), August 10 (Sat), August 18 (Sun), August 25 (Sun) 14:00~16:00(5 lessons)
*Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 21 July (13:00~)
・【September~November】Every Sundays from 15 Sep. to 17 Nov. (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons)
*Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 8 Sep. (14:00~)
・【January~March】Every Sundays from 12 Jan. to 23 Mar. (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons)※No lesson on 9 Feb.
*Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 5 Jan. (14:00~)
Where: Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room
Cost: 2,000 Yen for 10 lessons (Summer Class: 1,000 Yen for 5 lessons)
Places: 25
*If applications exceed capacity, participants will be determined by interview.
How to Apply: Applications can be made via the online form available on this page.
・【May~July】From 10:00 Apr. 24 (Wed) to 17:00 May. 9 (Thu)
・【Summer Class】From 10:00 Jul. 5 (Fri) to 17:00 Jul. 18 (Thu)
・【September~November】From 10:00 Aug. 21 (Wed) to 17:00 Sep. 5 (Thu)
・【January~March】From 10:00 Dec. 10 (Tue) to 17:00 Dec. 22 (Sun)
Please contact us below.
Inquiries: NIC Programs Division, phone: 052-581-5689 E-mail: vol@nic-nagoya.or.jp