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【2024】NIC Japanese Class for Highschool Students(NIC高校生日本語教室)


The class aims to help students acquire the foundations of Japanese necessary for their studies, to enable them to complete their high school studies and pursue careers.


Participants:For young non-native speakers of Japanese (born before 1 April 2009) currently attending or aspiring to enter high school / university and requiring assistance with Japanese language acquisition.

Junior high school students, except those enrolled in evening courses, please see NIC Japanese School for Children.

Preference given to residents of Nagoya City or those attending high school within Nagoya City.



・【MayJulyEvery Sundays from 19 May to 21 July (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons

 *Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 12 May (14:00~)

・【Summer Class】July 28 (Sun), August 4 (Sun), August 10 (Sat), August 18 (Sun), August 25 (Sun) 14:0016:005 lessons

 *Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 21 July (13:00~)

・【SeptemberNovemberEvery Sundays from 15 Sep. to 17 Nov. (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons

Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 8 Sep. (14:00~)

・【JanuaryMarchEvery Sundays from 12 Jan. to 23 Mar. (14:00 - 16:00)(10 lessons)※No lesson on 9 Feb.

Applicants and parents must also attend an interview and make payment on 5 Jan. (14:00~)


Where: Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room 


Cost: 2,000 Yen for 10 lessons (Summer Class: 1,000 Yen for 5 lessons)


Places: 25

If applications exceed capacity, participants will be determined by interview.


How to Apply: Applications can be made via the online form available on this page.

・【May~July】From 10:00 Apr. 24 (Wed) to 17:00 May. 9 (Thu)

・【Summer Class】From 10:00 Jul. 5 (Fri) to 17:00 Jul. 18 (Thu)

・【September~November】From 10:00 Aug. 21 (Wed) to 17:00 Sep. 5 (Thu)

・【January~March】From 10:00 Dec. 10 (Tue) to 17:00 Dec. 22 (Sun)

Please contact us below.

Inquiries: NIC Programs Division, phone: 052-581-5689 E-mail:

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