News & Events
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- 2024.07.04 Living Information Q&A: I would like to know about the procedures for a newborn child.
- 2024.05.31 Living Information Q&A:Can a child who moves to Japan at age 16 transfer to a junior high school?
- 2024.05.17 Living Information National Pension Contribution Special Payment System for Students(国民年金保険料学生納付特例)
- 2024.05.12 Events in and around Nagoya なんとかせにゃあクロニクル
- 2024.05.12 Events in and around Nagoya Endoji Shopping Street Saturday Market(円頓寺商店街サタデーマーケット)
- 2024.05.12 Events in and around Nagoya FY2024 Textile Dyeing Experience Event Organized by Oasis21 i Center(オアシス21iセンター「染め物体験イベント」)
- 2024.05.12 NIC Events 2024.Children's Story Book Time (令和6年度 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会 )
- 2024.02.09 NIC News Appointment Required for Driver's License Renewal in Aichi Prefecture (Starting from March 19, 2024)(愛知県 運転免許更新に予約が必要です(2024年3月19日から))
- 2024.02.08 NIC News [Advance Appointment Required] Undergoing Screening and Tests to Change a Foreign Driver's License to a Japanese Driver's License(【事前予約が必要です】外国の運転免許証から日本の運転免許証に切り替える確認審査について)
- 2024.01.12 Living Information 【2024/2025】Sunday Service at City of Nagoya Ward and Branch Offices
- 2023.11.16 Events in and around Nagoya NAGOYA Voicy Novels Cabinet
- 2023.10.15 Events in and around Nagoya 【Aichi Goodwill Guides Network】Experience Japanese Culture 2023
- 2023.09.27 Hakken! NAGOYA Three Feudal Lords (3: Tokugawa Ieyasu )
- 2023.04.29 Disaster Preparedness Test posting of Evacuation Information on the NIC website (避難情報のテスト配信をします。)
- 2023.04.01 Living Information From April 2023, Paper Containers and Packaging and Miscellaneous Recyclable Paper items can be collected together (4月から「紙製容器包装」と「雑がみ」の一括収集開始!)
- 2023.04.01 Living Information From 1 April, making an effort to wear a bicycle helmet will be compulsory (自転車の乗車用ヘルメット着用は4月1日より努力義務化)
- 2023.04.01 Nagoya Calendar - April 2023 (English edition)
- 2023.03.31 Events in and around Nagoya Young Ieyasu: A child hostage in Nagoya (人質時代の徳川家康と名古屋)
- 2023.03.29 Living Information Living Q & A: Why did I get a bill for resident tax when I already paid from my wages?
- 2023.03.25 Events in and around Nagoya Gondola Rides on the Horikawa River (ゴンドラ体験乗船会)