The printed handout distributed to participants at the School Guidance Seminar for Children of Foreign Nationals(進路ガイダンス2024配布資料)
The printed handout distributed to participants at the School Guidance Seminar for Children of Foreign Nationals, held at the Nagoya International Center on Saturday 27 July 2024, is now available to view online or download.
*The handout features the same content in both Japanese and another language
The handout is available in the following 8 languages: Japanese (with furigana), English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Nepali.
★The next School Guidance Seminar is currently planned to take place in late July 2025.
If you would like further information on pathways or all aspects of education for children of foreign nationals, please use the NIC Free Education Counselling Service.
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Phone: 052-581-0100