Panduan Kehidupan di Nagoya
Buku panduan kehidupan di Nagoya
Pada buku panduan ini, terdapat berbagai informasi dasar yang bermanfaat bagi WNA, yang meliputi informasi keadministrasian diberbagai bidang, dan informasi kontak konsultasi. Silahkan memanfatkan buku panduan ini.
You can view useful information for everyday life on our website!
①Guide to Japanese Personal Taxes
②To Foreign Residents: Payment of Municipal and Prefectural Residents Tax
③Tax Calculation Statement - Municipal and Prefectural Residents Tax
④Tax Payment Slip - Municipal and Prefectural Residents Tax
⑤Tax Payment Notice - Light Motor Vehicle Tax - Category Base
⑥Tax Payment Notice - Fixed Assets and City Planning Tax
⑦Tax Payment Slip - Fixed Assets and City Planning Tax
⑧Overdue Notice - Tax
⑨How to Obtain Certificates of Income and Tax Payment
⑩City of Nagoya National Health Insurance Program Guide
⑪Japanese National Pension System
⑫Nagoya City Garbage Reduction and Recycling Guide
⑬Recyclables and Garbage Separation App (さんあ~る(3R))
⑭Nagoya Hazard Map and Disaster Prevention Guidebook
⑮If you are the victim of a crime
⑯"KAIGO HOKEN"(Public Long-term Care Insurance System)
⑰Announcement from Animal Quarantine Service
If you need language assistance to inquire about municipal services, etc., please use NIC's Trio-phone
(3-way multilingual conference call) service ☎080-7994-7196