A support fund (shienkin / 支援金) and allowance (kyūfukin / 給付金) for forced leave due to the COVID-19 outbreak will be issued to employees of small- and medium-sized companies who were / are currently on leave at the instruction of the employer due to COVID-19 and measures to prevent the spread of infection, and who have not been paid wages (or leave allowance) for that leave.
80% of the applicant's wage prior to taking leave (maximum daily amount 11,000 Yen) will be paid depending on the record of the leave forced to be taken.
Workers at small- and medium-sized companies who have been on leave (without leave allowance) at the instruction of the employer between between October 2020 and February 2021.
Required documents
1. Application form
2. Confirmation of Necessary Conditions for Payment
* Required to confirm that leave was taken at the direction of the employer. Both the employer and the employee fill out the details and sign the form.
* If the applicant is unable to receive the employer's cooperation, application will be accepted with the employer's section blank. (The Labour Bureau will request a report from the employer in accordance with the law. Assessment of the application cannot proceed until the employer responds. Please be aware that it may take some time between the submission of the application and the payment of funds.)
3. Driver's license, My Number card (photo side only) or other documents to confirm the identity of the applicant
4. Copy of applicant's cash card, bank passbook or other documents to confirm details of the account into which funds are to be deposited
5. Copies of pay slips, employer's pay roll, or other documents to confirm wages prior to leave, and whether or not wages have been paid while applicant has been on leave
How to apply
By post (Employees can apply themselves, or through their employer)
* It is also possible to apply if you have taken leave from multiple companies at the direction of the respective employers. However, the applicant must provide the required information regarding each employer when applying. Applicants cannot submit separate applications for each employer. (Additional applications are not valid.) The application form for applicants with multiple employers differs from the standard form. Be aware that applications for multiple employers can only be submitted by post.
Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID19) Infection About the Application for Out of Work Support Fund and Cash Handout【Template】
For details of allowance system, allowance Q & A, and to download application forms, etc. visit the website of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Website: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/kyugyoshienkin.html
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Leave Support Fund and Allowance Call Center for COVID-19
Phone: 0120-221-276 (Mon. to Fri. 8:30 - 20:00; Sat., Sun. & holidays 8:30 - 17:15)