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Rules for Cyclists in Aichi Prefecture Have Changed (愛知県の自転車利用のルールが変わりました)


As part of measures to prevent traffic accidents involving bicycles, the Ordinance on Promotion of Safe and Proper Use of Bicycles was enacted in March 2021.
The following rules apply to bicycle riders in Aichi Prefecture as of 1 October 2021.

■ Cyclists are required to make efforts to wear helmets when riding.
■ Cyclists are obliged to take out bicycle liability insurance.

■Both adults and children should wear helmets

About 70% of fatalities in traffic accidents involving bicycles are due to fatal head wounds. When riding a bicycle, always make an effort to wear a helmet. And be sure to wear the helmet correctly to provide better protection.

■Take out bicycle liability insurance

Bicycle riders have been determined to be the responsible party in a number of traffic accidents, and bearing high compensation liabilities. Be prepared for this contingency by taking out bicycle liability insurance. It is mandatory for bicycle riders to have taken out bicycle liability insurance.
★For more on bicycle liability insurance, see here.

Other points to remember when riding a bicycle
  • As a rule, cyclists must ride on the road. Bicycles should only be ridden on the sidewalk in exceptional circumstances.
  • On sidewalks, pedestrians have priority. When riding on sidewalks, cyclists must ride on the side nearest the road.
  • When riding on the road, cyclists must ride on the left side of the road.
  • Cyclists must stop completely at stop signs to confirm safety.
  • Cyclists must obey traffic lights at intersections.
  • Riding a bicycle while intoxicated is prohibited.
  • Riding with two people on one bicycle is prohibited.
  • Riding side-by-side is prohibited.
  • Cyclists must use bicycle lights at night.


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