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Obtaining a vaccination voucher if you are not registered as a resident in Japan (日本に住民登録がない場合のワクチン接種券について)


To receive a COVID-19 vaccination, you will need to have received a vaccination voucher. If you are not registered as a resident in Japan, and have not received a vaccination voucher, you will need to apply to receive one.

*The vaccination voucher will be sent within around 2 weeks of receipt of the application. In the case of the third dose, the vaccination voucher will be sent to you when you become eligible.

1.If you are not registered as residing in Japan but currently live in Nagoya City

Send the following documents by post to the application address.

(1) "COVID-19 Vaccination Voucher Application Form [For unregistered residents (1st Dose)]" or "Application for Issuance of a COVID-19 Voucher [For unregistered residents (3rd Dose)]"
(2) A copy of a document to confirm your identity, e.g.

  • Passport
  • Residence card
  • Driver's license

(3) A copy of a document to confirm that you currently live in Nagoya City, e.g.

  • Utility bill receipt
  • Rental housing contract
  • Accommodation certificate
  • Postmarked mail addressed to you

(4) [If applying for a vaccination voucher for the 3rd dose] A copy of a document certifying that you have received the first 2 doses, e.g.

  • Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 (attached to one's vaccination voucher)
  • Vaccination record
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (vaccine passport)

2. If you are a Japanese national who has returned to Japan temporarily

*If you are eligible to receive a vaccination while in Japan, send the following documents by post to the application address.

(1) "COVID-19 Vaccination Voucher Application Form [For unregistered residents (1st Dose)]" or "Application for Issuance of a COVID-19 Voucher [For unregistered residents (3rd Dose)]"
(2) A copy of a document to confirm your identity, e.g.

  • Passport
  • Residence card
  • Driver's license

(3) A copy of a document to confirm that you currently live in Nagoya City, e.g.

  • Utility bill receipt
  • Rental housing contract
  • Accommodation certificate
  • Postmarked mail addressed to you

(4) [If applying for a vaccination voucher for the 3rd dose] A copy of a document certifying that you have received the first 2 doses, e.g.

  • Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 (attached to one's vaccination voucher)
  • Vaccination record
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (vaccine passport)

3. If your Status of Residence is Temporary Visitor, but you have been in Japan longer than 3 months

*If you are eligible to receive a vaccination while in Japan, send the following documents by post to the application address.

(1) "COVID-19 Vaccination Voucher Application Form [For unregistered residents]"
(2) A copy of your passport
(3) A copy of a document to confirm that you have been in Japan more than 3 months

  • A copy of the page in your passport with the certification sticker (the sticker affixed to your passport by the Immigration Services Bureau when granted permission to extend your period of stay)

(4) A copy of a document to confirm that you currently live in Nagoya City, e.g.

  • Utility bill receipt
  • Rental housing contract
  • Accommodation certificate
  • Postmarked mail addressed to you
  • A notification postcard from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan regarding COVID-19 vaccinations

(5) [If applying for a vaccination voucher for the 3rd dose] A copy of a document certifying that you have received the first 2 doses, e.g.

  • Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 (attached to one's vaccination voucher)
  • Vaccination record
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (vaccine passport)

Application address

Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 3-chome 1-1
Nagoya Shiyakusho Kenkofukushi-kyoku Shingata Koronauirusu Kansensho Taisakushitsu Kuponken Hakko Shinsei Tanto



名古屋市役所健康福祉局新型コロナウイルス感染症対策室 クーポン券発行申請担当


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