Free consultations on starting a business and corporate management in general are available to non-Japanese entrepreneurs and corporate managers living in Aichi Prefecture.
Examples of subjects you can seek advice about:
Starting a business -
- Status of residence application procedures
- Procedures to establish a company
- Procedures to obtain permits and licenses to start business
- Formulation of a business plan
- Financial planning
- Social insurance and employment management
Corporate management -
- Sales channel development and marketing activities
- Business improvement
- Business succession
- Trade
- Business practices in Japan
- PR and promotion strategies
- Accounting and tax affairs
- Labor management
- Use of IT
*This service does not prepare documents, submit notifications, introduce potential business partners or conduct any other business activities on behalf of users.
*Consultations are not provided on life-related issues.
When: Tue. and Fri. 13:00 - 17:00 (excluding year end/New Year period and national holidays)
Reservations: Inquire by phone or online form, and the Aichi Foreign Entrepreneur & Manager Support Center will match you with an appropriate expert for your issue and arrange the consultation date.
Phone: 052-563-1435
Online form (English, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese): https://www.aibsc.jp/support/17354/
Aichi Industry & Labor Center (WINC AICHI) 14F (愛知県産業労働センター[ウインクあいち])
Nagoya-shi, Nakamura-ku, Meieki 4-4-38 (名古屋市中村区名駅4-4-38)