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Living Q & A: I want to register my now unemployed daughter, who lives separately, as my dependent


外国人暮らしのQ&A「 同居していない娘の仕事が無くなり、収入が無いので自分の扶養家族にしたい」


My daughter, who doesn't live with me (her father), has lost her job and her income. She has applied at Hello Work to look for work (and for unemployment benefits), but I want to register her as my dependent while she has no income. I explained this to my employer, but they said that it couldn't be done because our addresses were not the same. My daughter looked it up and says I can have her listed as my dependent. Which is correct?


There are a number of capacities in which a dependent is recognized, so when having your daughter, who has lost her job and has no income, recognized as a dependent family member (fuyō kazoku / 扶養家族), you will need to consider each.

With regard to health insurance (kenkō hoken / 健康保険), the parents, grandparents, spouse, children, grandchildren and siblings of the insured person (hihokensha / 被保険者) whose livelihood is maintained by the insured person can sometimes be recognized as dependent family members for health insurance, even though they may not be living with the insured person. It's possible that your daughter will be recognized as a dependent family member even though she does not live with you.

Conditions for eligibility as a dependent for health insurance are that your daughter's expected annual income (nenkan shūnyū mikomi-gaku / 年間収入見込み額) is less than 1,300,000 Yen, and also less than half the amount of the annual income of the insured person (you, the parent). If not living together, your daughter's annual income must be less than the amount of any allowance the supporter (fuyōsha / 扶養者) (the parent) provides for living expenses.
However, in the case that the family member (your daughter) is a recipient of unemployment benefits (shitsugyō kyūfu / 失業給付) under employment insurance (koyō hoken / 雇用保険), the amount of the benefit must be less than 3,611 Yen per day for the family member to be recognized as a dependent.
Please consult your health insurance provider for details.

Also, in order to be recognized as a dependent to qualify for the deduction for dependents (fuyōkōjo / 扶養控除) for income tax (shotokuzei / 所得税), conditions that must be met include your daughter being dependent on her parent for her livelihood, that her total income for the period from January to December is less than 480,000 Yen, and so on. In the case of resident tax (jūminzei / 住民税), however, her total income must be less than 430,000 Yen. For income tax, please consult your local tax office (zeimusho / 税務署), and for resident tax, please consult your local municipal government office.

If the parent's employer provides its own allowance for dependents, this will be subject to the rules put in place by the employer. Please check with your employer.

Please be sure to contact the body responsible for the service appropriate to the capacity in which you wish to have your daughter recognized as your dependent.

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