Nagoya International Center

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Obtaining a COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (Nagoya City Residents) (新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種証明書の発行について(名古屋市に住んでいる人))


[Updated 22 Feb. 2022]

The City of Nagoya will issue a COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (shingata koronauirusu wakuchin sesshu shomeisho / 新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種証明書) to residents who are required to provide proof that they have been administered a COVID-19 vaccine in order to travel overseas.

*This certificate is not required within Japan, where the Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 (attached to one's Vaccination Coupon) is sufficient proof of vaccination.

Issuance period:

From Mon. 26 July, 2021

How to apply:

① By post

If you do not have an Individual Number (My Number) Card, applications should be submitted by post (postage charges apply).

*If you are departing Japan immediately, and do not have sufficient time for the standard application process, please contact the Call Center (050-3135-2252).

(1)Send the required documents (see below) to Nagoya City Hall by post. (Submitted documents will not be returned.)


Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 3-1-1
Nagoya Shiyakusho Kenkofukushi-kyoku Shingata Koronauirusu Kansensho Taisakushitsu Wakuchin Sesshu Shomeisho Tanto


(2)The City of Nagoya will confirm the content of the submitted documents.

(3)The City of Nagoya will issue your Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19.

*It will take around one week after receipt of the application for the Certificate to be issued and sent. A large volume of applications, errors in submitted documents, or insufficient documents will cause a delay in the issuance of the Certificate. Please allow ample time for your application to be processed.

Required documents: See below

② Apply at the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Issuance Center Counter (Reservation required)

If you don't have much time before you need to travel overseas, and you are unable to apply for a certificate by post, you can make a reservation to apply at the counter to have a certificate issued.

Caution: If any of the required documents are missing, you may not be able to receive your Certificate on the day of application.


Reservations must be made online, via the City of Nagoya Net Reservation Site.
*Reservations cannot be made for the same day.

Where to apply:

アパホテル名古屋錦 EXCELLENT 4階

TKP Garden City Nagoya (Ontake)
Naka-ku Nishiki 3-chome 15-30


A 1-minute walk from Sakae Sta. (栄駅, H10/M05) Exit 2 on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線) and Meijo Line (名城線)
Google Map


9:00 - 17:00 (Closed Sat., Sun. and national holidays)

Required documents: See below

Required documents (〇=Required, △=Attach if available, ×=Not required)

Required Document International Use Domestic Use
Application form (Download available below)

Copy of applicant's passport (Valid as of the date of travel)

Copy of your Vaccination Coupon (Must include the coupon number) *1

Copy of Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19 (接種済証, attached to Vaccination Coupon) or Record of Vaccination for COVID-19 (接種記録書, issued to medical workers and those who received the vaccination under workplace vaccination programs) *2


A stamped, self-addressed envelope

A copy of a document to verify the applicant's identity (Including the address to which the certificate is to be sent)
('My Number' Individual Number Card, Residence Card, driver's license, health insurance card, etc.) *3

*1 - If you have lost your Vaccination Coupon, or the number has peeled off, or you do not know your coupon number, send a copy of a document with your Individual Number ('My Number') (i.e. Individual Number Card, Individual Number Notification Card, or a transcript of your Resident Record [jūminhyō / 住民票] including your Individual Number). If you do not have any of these items, send a copy of a document bearing the address registered on your Resident Register. If you have changed addresses since receiving the vaccine, send a copy of your resident record bearing your previous address.
*2 - Not required, but should be attached if available
*3 - If sending a copy of your health insurance card as identification, be sure to black out the insurance card number and the account number

Application documents:

Vaccination Certificate Application Form (PDF)

*If you are applying on behalf of another person, a Letter of Proxy / Power of Attorney (ininjo / 委任状), signed by the person, is required.

Letter of Proxy (Word)
Letter of Proxy (PDF)

If you are unsure how to complete the form, please come to the Nagoya International Center 3F Information Counter.

③ Via the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate App

Download the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate App from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). (*App available in Japanese only)

What you'll need

  • Individual Number (My Number) card
  • Individual Number card pass code
  • Passport (if applying for a vaccination certificate for use overseas)
  • Smartphone capable of reading the Individual Number card (NFC Type B compatible, iOS 13.7 or above, Android OS 8.0 or above)

What to do

  • Download the app. (*App may not be available on some models and operating system versions.)
  • Follow the prompts and use your Individual Number card and passport (if applying for a vaccination certificate for use overseas) to complete your application.
  • Your vaccination certificate will be issued within the app.

COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Inquiries:

City of Nagoya COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center

Phone: 050-3135-2252 (9:00 - 17:30 weekdays)

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center

Phone: 0120-761-770 (9:00 - 21:00 every day)

★Please refer also to information on the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate on the City of Nagoya website

★For information on COVID-19 vaccinations in Nagoya if you have yet to be vaccinated, see here.


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