On the 3rd floor of the Nagoya International Center is a library that anyone is welcome to use.
The NIC Library holds around 28,000 books and other materials that can be borrowed, from paperbacks and picture books in English, Portuguese and other languages, to Japanese language-learning resources.
Assistance with finding resources is available at the counter at the entrance. Please feel free to ask staff if there is something you’re looking for.
*The latest issues of foreign magazines and newspapers can be read at the Information Service Corner, also on the 3rd floor.
The NIC Library is run with the support of many volunteers, from the cataloguing and registration of paperbacks, shelving and other duties, to preparing and hosting the Book Recycling Bazaar, creating Library displays, and more. They also organize regular fun events such as readings of foreign-language children’s picture books.
Please come in and take a look.
Library Inquiries
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 – 19:00
Closed: Every Monday, 29 December to 3 January, and the second Sunday in August and February
Inquiries: NIC Library, Phone: 052-581-0102