看板を読もう 「目」
The image of a pair of eyes is often used to discourage various kinds of unwanted behavior.
立(ち)入(り) tachi iri (enter)
禁止 kinshi (forbidden; prohibited)
立入禁止 tachiiri kinshi (no trespassing)
つり tsuri (fishing)
つり禁止 tsuri kinshi (fishing prohibited)
防犯 bōhan (crime prevention)
強化 kyōka (strengthening; enhancement)
地区 chiku (district; neighborhood; area)
警察署 keisatsu sho (police station)
学区 gakku (school district)
Cameras are watching, too.
防犯カメラ bōhan kamera (security camera)
作動中 sadōchū (in operation; operating)
設置 setchi (installation)
推進 suishin (promotion [of policy, program, etc.])