看板を読もう 「検温も忘れずに」
A year into the pandemic, everyone is, by now, well acquainted with the bottles of disinfectant to spray your hands with at the entrance to shops and other facilities. Many premises also request that customers measure their temperature (as a fever is one potential symptom of COVID-19), and ask those with a high temperature not to enter.
検温 ken'on (measure temperature)
忘れず(に) wasurezu (ni) (don't forget)
発熱 hatsunetsu (to come down with a fever)
症状 shōjō (symptom)
37.5℃以上 37.5°C ijō (37.5°C or higher)
~がある場合 ga aru ba'ai (in the case that ~)
店舗 tempō (store, shop)
ご入店 go-nyūten (enter a store)
お控えください o-hikae kudasai (please refrain from ~)
While at some stores a staff member checks customers' temperature at the door, pointing a gun-like non-contact infrared thermometer at the forehead, many premises have automated devices in place. In addition to the smartphone-like devices with which you line up your head to read your temperature, you might also come across a device which takes a temperature reading from your hand, like the one below.
手のひら te no hira (the palm of the hand)
かざして kazashite (place ~ over ~)
検温してください ken'on shite kudasai (please measure your temperature)