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Getting information in the event of a disaster: NHK (災害時の情報はどこから?「NHK」)


NHKtenki_166x200.jpgJapanese TV and radio are probably overlooked by many foreign residents now that there are so many options for watching foreign TV series and movies on demand, and it's so easy to listen to podcasts and stream radio stations from around the world on your smartphone. But the Japanese-language TV and radio services of the public broadcaster NHK are among the best ways to stay up-to-date when a potential disaster arises. As information in English or other foreign languages may be limited in an emergency, try watching and listening to NHK as you build up your Japanese skills, and help yourself to stay informed, and safe.

Television - NHK Sogo (NHK総合), Channel 3

On Channel 3, NHK Sogo (=general) covers weather and other emergencies when they occur, and provides information such as weather warnings, alert levels and evacuation information for those in affected areas. When you think you felt an earthquake, for example, turn on NHK and within a couple of minutes a news flash will report the epicenter and strength of the quake in different localities, whether a tsunami alert has been issued, damage reports and other related information, depending on the size of the quake.

Radio - NHK Radio 1 (NHKラジオ第1), AM 729kHz

NHKradio_221x200.jpgHandy if you're in a car or don't have access to TV, Radio 1 provides much of the same information as Channel 3 does on TV. The disadvantage of radio is, of course, the dependence on listening, and the lack of visuals to clarify and illustrate what is being said. If you're not a radio listener, you may need to make time to listen to the radio regularly to build up your listening skills. (Try putting it on in the background when you're relaxing at home or doing housework.)
Don't have a radio? If you have a smartphone, you can still listen to NHK radio broadcasts in real time using the NHK Radio Rajiru★Rajiru app. Be sure to select the Nagoya broadcast for local information, when available.

App - NHK News / Disaster Preparedness App (NHKニュース・防災アプリ)

This Japanese-language app provides the latest headlines and weather forecast, and sometimes live streaming of news and feeds from live cameras (e.g. during volcanic eruptions or extreme weather). It also features a data map, a handy resource where you can check rainfall, typhoons, and earthquakes, as well as the hazard map and current disaster risk levels for floods, landslides and more.
There's also a disaster information tab with weather advisories and warnings for your area. Be sure to edit the settings and set up push notifications to get local updates including heatstroke alerts, earthquake information, weather warnings, river information, evacuation information and more.

★In an emergency, you may need your smartphone for information updates and to keep in touch with family and friends. Prepare for the possibility that you may not have access to electricity to charge your phone, and have a portable charger / external battery pack charged and ready for when you might need it.

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