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Read Japanese: O-mamori (日本語を読もう「お守り」)



An o-mamori (お守り, also お守 and 御守) is an amulet or charm thought to grant the bearer good fortune, good health, or protection.

The o- (お or 御) is an honorific prefix, and mamori comes from the verb mamoru (守る), meaning "to protect".

The first few days of the new year are a time when many people visit a shrine or temple (or both) in a ritual known as Hatsumōde. At larger temples and shrines where amulets are sold, many visitors will pick up an o-mamori for good luck throughout the coming year.

When choosing which o-mamori to buy for yourself or to give to someone, it can be tempting to select an amulet in a favorite color or by some other design element. But o-mamori have different blessings that are indicated by what's written on them, or on signs where they are sold.

Here are some common expressions you might find on o-mamori that, if memorized, might help you avoid such faux pas as giving your prospective father-in-law a charm to help him through childbirth.

開運 kaiun (better fortune)

厄除 yakuyoke (protection against misfortune, evil)

交通安全 kōtsū anzen (safety on the road)

縁結 enmusubi (marriage)

子宝 kodakara (be blessed with a child)

安産 anzan (safe and easy childbirth)

学業 gakugyō (school, studies)

合格 gōkaku (success [in examinations, etc.])

大願成就 taigan jōju (realization of great ambition)

心身健康 shinshin kenkō (health in mind and body)

Many people will also take an old o-mamori that has protected them over the previous year (or helped them through a strenuous life event) back to the shrine or temple and give thanks for the divine assistance received.

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