Spring is a time when a lot of people move to another area. Check the appropriate disposal method for your unwanted items, and dispose of them in the proper manner. Particularly in the case of non-burnable garbage and large-sized garbage, of which collection takes place only once a month, it is important to confirm the collection date, and put out your garbage in a planned manner, a little at a time, so as not to have too large an amount of garbage at one collection area on a given date.
■Large-sized garbage (waste larger than 30cm x 30cm x 30cm)
★Fee required 【By prior request, at least 7 days in advance of collection day】
- To request collection, call the Large Waste Service Center (service in Japanese): 0120-758-530 (toll free)
From cell phones or outside Aichi Prefecture: 052-950-2581 (charges apply)
9:00 - 17:00 (except Sat., Sun., and year end / New Year period)
*Deadline for reservations is 7 days before the collection day. - Purchase large-sized garbage collection payment certificates (stickers).
These can be purchased at convenience stores and supermarkets in the city. Payment certificates are non-refundable.
*For a guide to collection fees, see here. - Affix the collection payment certificate with your collection number or name on it to the large-sized item in a spot where it can be easily seen, and put out the item by 8:00 on collection day.
■Items designated by the Home Appliances Recycling Law (air conditioners, televisions, refrigerators / freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers)
★Fee required 【The City does not collect these items】
Please dispose of these items using one the following methods.
Request disposal from an appliance retailer, either ① the store where you buy a new or replacement appliance or ② a nearby appliance retailer; Or ③ take the appliance yourself to a designated commercial disposal location. (Contact the environmental affairs office of the ward in which you reside for details.)
■Newspapers, magazines, cardboard, used clothing
★Free 【The City does not collect these items】
Please put these items out with your area's group recyclables collection.
Check newspapers inserts, community bulletins, or contact the Waste Reduction Promotion Office (phone: 972-2398) for collection date and location.
★Not sure how or when to dispose of an item?
Use the Recyclables and Waste Separation App "3R" (ThreeR).
Also see the Nagoya City Garbage Reduction and Recycling Guide.
If you need an interpreter when making an inquiry about garbage and recyclables, use Nagoya International Center's Trio-Phone service on 052-581-6112.
Inquiries: Operations Division, City of Nagoya Environmental Affairs Bureau, phone: 052-972-2394 (Japanese)