■If someone you know tests positive for COVID-19 - Preparing for COVID-19 [Updated 22 October 2022]
■What happens after testing positive for COVID-19 in Nagoya City? [Added 22 October 2022]
■Take care when selecting an antigen test kit [Added 26 November 2022]
[Updated 17 January 2023]
■If you think you may have contracted COVID-19
★See the City of Nagoya website for the latest information regarding medical consultations and testing for COVID-19.
If you have symptoms such as a fever, and are worried, first, please consult your regular doctor or local clinic by phone. Please do not go directly to the clinic without consulting staff in advance. If it is possible to be examined and be tested there, follow the directions of staff on how to do so.
If an examination and test is not possible at your regular or local medical facility, you will be referred to a facility where patients with symptoms such as fever can be examined and tested.
If you do not have a regular doctor or are unsure which medical clinic to consult, please contact the Examination and Consultation Center.
The Examination and Consultation Center staff will direct you to a medical facility where patients with symptoms such as fever can be examined and tested.
Service available in 20 languages at Examination and Consultation Center and Health Centers in each ward
- Available languages: Japanese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Nepali, Thai, Indonesian, Malay, French, Russian, German, Italian, Burmese, Khmer, Mongolian, Sinhalese
■Examination and Consultation Center (Call Center) (Jushin / Sōdan Sentā / 受診・相談センター)
Examination and Consultation Center (Call Center)
(1)Examination and Health Consultation Hotline
For consultations about receiving an examination at a medical facility is your condition is worsening.
Phone: 050-3614-0741
Fax: 050-8882-9703
E-mail: nagoya_jyushinsoudan@medi-staffsup.com
Hours: Every day, 24 hours
(2)General Consultation Hotline
For general consultations, e.g. how to register with the City of Nagoya COVID-19 Patient Registration Center, etc.
Phone: 050-3665-8112
Fax: 050-8882-9703
E-mail: nagoya_jyushinsoudan@medi-staffsup.com
Hours: Every day, 7:00 - 19:00
■Information regarding test kits for self-testing
Be sure that the purchased test kit is a government-approved Category 1 Drug, or In-vitro Diagnostic test kit.
■Health Centers (Hoken sentā / 保健センター)
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive, etc., please consult the health center in the ward in which you reside.
Service hours: Weekdays 9:00 - 17:30 (closed national holidays, 29 Dec. to 3 Jan.)
Health Center |
Phone |
Health Center |
Phone |
Chikusa |
052-753-1982 |
Atsuta |
052-683-9683 |
Higashi |
052-934-1218 |
Nakagawa |
052-363-4463 |
Kita |
052-917-6552 |
Minato |
052-651-6537 |
Nishi |
052-523-4618 |
Minami |
052-614-2814 |
Nakamura |
052-433-3093 |
Moriyama |
052-796-4623 |
Naka |
052-265-2262 |
Midori |
052-891-3623 |
Showa |
052-735-3964 |
Meito |
052-778-3114 |
Mizuho |
052-837-3264 |
Tempaku |
052-807-3917 |
■If you are asymptomatic but are concerned that you may have contracted COVID-19
If you do not have any symptoms, and are not a close contact of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, you can use the Aichi Prefecture Free Testing Program.
See this website for more information. (Japanese)
■If someone you know tests positive for COVID-19 - Preparing for COVID-19
■What happens after testing positive for COVID-19 in Nagoya City?
■City of Nagoya COVID-19 Patient Registration Center
Patients not eligible for notification to the health office and wishing to use the food delivery service and/or recuperate at an accommodation facility are required to register.
★Nagoya International Center's Trio-Phone Civic Interpreter Service
If you need to consult a government office, such as a ward office, municipal health center, or a tax office, but can't speak Japanese, then call our Trio-Phone service and we'll arrange a 3-way call between you, the service, and a NIC interpreter.